Ways to compose a photo shoot when traveling. With your significant other to make them look beautiful and tall and slim for beginners. Generally, portrait photography is a photography mode where the photographer is pressure by the model’s expectations that the photo must come out beautiful and good-looking. If it’s a photo shoot of a significant other, that pressure will be many times greater. So today we have a solution for novice photographers. Who want to take their significant other on a trip and come back with photos that are beautiful, tall, and slim.

The main duty of a photographer is to look at the big picture, arrange the composition of the image. And even better, observe the neatness of the model, such as whether she is standing well. Whether her legs are in good position, and how much she twists her body. As for the tips that ยูฟ่าเบท would like to recommend, there are only easy steps as follows:
Position the subject in the center of the frame and use a wide-angle lens to make the legs look tall and slender. Wide-angle lenses have a characteristic of having a lens curvature at the edges. Therefore, if taking a portrait. You should not place your subject at the side of the image because it will make the image look wider. Therefore, place your subject in the middle of the image and at a moderate distance from it to capture the details of the tourist attraction. The subject will look smaller than the surroundings. The curvature of the lens also helps make the subject’s arms and legs look longer.
Take photos from a low angle, straight angle, avoid a downward angle. Never overlook the camera angle. Just a slight adjustment of the angle will change the picture. To make your legs look long, tall, and slim, focus on taking photos from a low angle or a straight angle. Avoid a low angle because a low angle will make your head look big and your body and legs look short.
Feet are attached to the bottom edge, leaving a lot of space on top. This composition tricks the eye into making the legs look longer and taller. By leaving some space at the top, the image doesn’t look flat.
Arrange the photo in vertical orientation to create a tall, non-wide view. Taking a vertical photo will automatically create a sense of height for the viewer. A pose that looks slightly higher will help make the neck look longer. Lift the neck, and make the image look less wide but taller.