Platelets are one of the components of blood cells, which our body creates in the spinal cord. These platelets circulate in the bloodstream for about 10 days, after which they are destroyed in the liver and spleen. New platelets are created to replace the old ones that were destroyed. These platelets are responsible for clotting the blood when the body is injured and there is blood flow.

What is the normal platelet count?
Before we know what is the value of low platelets, we must first know what is the normal value of platelets. The normal value of platelets is around 150,000 – 450,000 per 1 cubic millimeter of blood volume. The value of low platelets or Thrombocytopenia is the value of platelets that are less than 150,000 – 450,000 per 1 cubic millimeter of blood volume.
What symptoms indicate low platelets?
Thrombocytopenia symptoms do not appear in everyone. Some people do not show any symptoms indicating thrombocytopenia at all. This article has compiled the initial symptoms. In those who show symptoms of thrombocytopenia, they are as follows:

1. Symptoms appear on the skin
Whether it is a bruise or a blood spot or a bruise of any color, brown, purple or red, that appears on the skin, some people who have this low platelet count also have a purple or red rash that appears on the skin.
2. Bleeding in various parts of the body
The two organs that bleed the most are the nose and the gums. ทางเข้า The gums bleed a lot, especially when brushing your teeth.
3. The blood does not stop flowing when a wound occurs.
This part is very dangerous because when a wound occurs in any part of the body, there will be more blood flow than normal. The blood stops flowing very slowly, and in some cases, the blood does not stop flowing.

4. Abnormal menstrual blood volume
Menstrual blood is another type of blood that women with thrombocytopenia can easily notice because women with this condition have more menstrual blood than women in general.
5. The appearance of blood mixed with other wastes.
Whether it is the color of the stool that is darker or even the urine that contains blood, both cases are conditions that indicate that there is blood flowing in the internal organs.