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Tag Archives: Health

5 chronic non-communicable diseases women

5 chronic non-communicable diseases women are most at risk of Nearby matters that should not overlook. Women often face chronic diseases easily. This may be due to the fact that we are not aware of the negative effects of living or eating on a daily basis. But that doesn’t

6 Reasons Why Sleep May Help You Lose Weight

6 Reasons Why Sleep May Help You Lose Weight Getting enough sleep is just as important to weight loss as eating. and your exercise Evidence shows that sleep is important. But many people who are trying to lose weight may overlook the importance of rest. And here are the reasons why Sleep

5 food groups that reduce skin sunlight

5 food groups that reduce skin sunlight. Sun exposure is a factor that causes various skin problems such as sunburn, freckles, dark spots, and skin cancer. We can reduce the risk of these problems by taking care of our skin from the inside out. Eating foods high

A total of 5 techniques to tighten pores

A total of 5 techniques to tighten pores. One of the skin problems that bother people of all ages. Probably inevitable with large pores. which can be regarded as the root cause of skin problems and increase the chances of acne as well And of course, no one wants